Y’s writing Workshop

It starts with a letter , then a word, then a sentence.

Next comes the edits and the rewrites

Then….the poem.

What’s Included

A six week poetry course where we meet 2 times a week virtually as a group for 3 hours a session and one 2 hour optional personal virtual session as our schedules permit. Each person who signs up will receive a copy of “These Words Stand Alone”. First class is free just use the sign up (July 1st - Aug 11). The book is sold separately for the free version of the workshop.

Conceptualize it.

It all begins with an idea. During the first week a concept that will grow into a piece that is unique to you will be born and researched.

Write it.

Week 2-3 will be dedicated to writing everything you can.

Memorize/Perform it.

Depending on why you are attending, you may want to get your performance of the piece down. Every poem has a voice that is different from one another. The last few weeks will be dedicated to finding the voice of the poem.

Find out

Come and join the Workshop and learn what I have to teach.

Sign up